From: "jason_wasylyk" <thetoothdoc@...>
Date: Monday, March 15, 2004 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: 1.8 oz/ft2 BUG
Date: Monday, March 15, 2004 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: 1.8 oz/ft2 BUG
I see I stand corrected on the BUG's ability to launch to 70 foot
hieghts and survive-- I'm sure that's because of the thoughtful
design mod's you made. I agree that there are two very different
approaches here which is why I wrote about building them "correctly"
in quotations. "Correcetly" means for my intended purpose not the
only right way. Kudos to all of you who have built a great DLG
launching BUG.
I'm really enjoying the lighter end of things, but I am definitely
intrigued by all of your DLG versions now. The next BUG I build
will be more along those lines.
However, at the present moment, I think for my time and money, the
35-40", 3.5-4 oz niche is better filled by the Seeker
( I'm building one now and the kit and design are
My range of planes from light to increasing wingloads are as follows.
1. Bug 35" WS and 1.8 oz/ft WL
2. Seeker 40" WS and 3.5 oz WL
3. Super Soarwatt 72" WS and 4 oz/ft WL motorglider
4. Osiris (soon to be built) 60" WS and 3.5 to 4 oz WL (hopefully!)
5. Bolo 60" WS and 7 to 12 oz/ft WL (depending on ballast)
So you can see I already have a lot going on in the 4 oz/ft range.
The BUG is about the only plane I can get down under 2oz/ft, so for
now, that's how I build them.
With the 5 planes in my quiver, I can fly just about anything from
no lift to ligth thermals to hat suckers and booming slope lift.
The link to the SuperSoarwatt will give you an idea of the terrrain
and conditions around here.
Thanks all who've contributed to this great forum.